Thursday 25 August 2011

Gold Coins

For these u need :
8 slices of Bread
4 medium sized Potatoes - boiled & mashed
1 small onion very finely chopped
1 small carrot very finely chopped
1/2 capsicum finely chopped
3-4 french beans very finely chopped or 1/2 cup boiled peas
green chilies to taste

Mix all the vegetables with the boiled & mashed potatoes, add salt, red chilly powder & black pepper powder to taste, green chilies (optional), coriander & mix everything together
Take the bread slices & with the help of a round pastry cutter or a katori cut them into rounds
Mix 2 spoons maida & 2 spoons cornflour & a pinch of salt n pepper with water to form a smooth running batter
Apply the potato & vegetable mixture generously on each round slice of bread, dip this side only into the batter & deep fry in hot oil till golden & crisp
Serve hot with tomato/mint chutney !

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